Evermore Beauté ♥
Friday, January 13, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Skin and Brows: Anastasia Brows and Bobbi Brown
I think that the one thing I wish I would have started doing sooner in my whole makeup "career" is doing my eyebrows. It really makes such a dramatic difference in your face. It gives you a facelift and makes you look more awake and ... alive. Anyway, I have been in a constant struggle from a very long time ago to find a brow filler that doesn't make me look like a flaming ginger. Because my uncle and cousins have red hair I was blessed with having red tinges in my brows. So I have to literally find the most ashy color, for light blondes out there. I think I might have found it! I use the lighter side, but using the darker side for anyone makes you look younger. So I picked this up in Ash Blonde/Taupe, and I like power better because it looks more natural... in my opinion.
Did you notice that I GOT A NEW CAMERA? :O Well I did. Its the Canon Rebel T3i. Its such a beautiful piece of equiptment.
Any how... This brow power duo comes in this nice silvered little compact, with a mirror... not like I would suggest using that mirror to do your brows though... I would actually highly not suggest doing so. But In my journey, I have found this to be the best for my brows. And like I said. I have pretty blonde hair and on my brows I have a hidden tinge of ginger in the undertone apparently. I have only tried and been using this for about a week or so, but I still love it and find it the best brow product I have used thus far.
Now on to a substitute that I picked up at Sephora to replace my Cover FX concealer. So here is me, thinking "Oh Megan.. you really love Bobbi Browns tinted moisturizer... so just try the foundation stick. Not like you have many other choices here. I mean your alabaster skin is a rarity uncommon in Florida, this is the only thing in this store that could come close to matching you." So basically I got it. And straight up, matched my skin perfectly. I mean the shade description is supposed to be pinker than all of Bobbi Brown makes. And the tinted moisturizer is a tad dark in the same shade so I mix white into it. With this it is perfect, I suspect because it is a cream. Anyway I love it, thus far. Though I want to mention it is hella exspensive for .31 oz. coming in at 40$. Other than that I love it.
Straight up swatches, unblended.
Oh hello super sexy new camera quality ;)
These are blended, and you can see how well of a match is :)
Well, anyways. I have had literally the worst week of my life this week. School sucked so bad. Tests, Homework, everything. I am trying to get some posts up between the two blogs I run.. ( The other one is "MegansMovingCastle.blogspot.com" ) And I hope this tides you all over and I hope you guys had a lot better week than I did. And I will hopefully post something tomorrow or Sunday.. it will most likely be a new look! Yay!
Love you all!
Bobbi Brown,
Poor pale people :(
Saturday, December 31, 2011
HAPPY 2012
So guys. For most of you its already 2012 so... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It is not yet 2012 here in the USA yet. I just wanted to say that I am so thankful for every single person that follows or religiously reads my blog. I love you guys. I hope you have/(had) a New Years kiss at Midnight, I hope all your dreams come true, I hope you find what you are looking for next year. I hope but nothing for the best from all of you. I love you guys. I got a ton of new followers this year an hope to get more because I GOT A CANON T3i AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. LOOK OUT FOR HUNGER GAMES INSPIRED LOOKS!! And I promise I will post more next year. I just had a lot happen to me this year, as you guys know. I thank everyone who helped me get through personal problems. I would do the same to you so that means a lot to me. HAPPY 2012 GUYS! LETS MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Oh my goodness guys! I am actually going to Europe this summer. I am dying!!! I have wanted to go forever!! And it is finally happening! I have no clue how long we are staying there but, I can imagine It would be somewhere from one week to two weeks. We would be going to Germany, and France definitely.. and possibly England ( its still up in the air because the Olympics are in England next year!).
I have a friend, Ashley, who is coming with me, along with my parents. I have a couple goals before I go there. And I have a couple goals that I would like to accomplish while there.
Some things that I would like to get done before the trip include the following:
1. Become slightly more tan. Right now.. honestly I am about NW7.. so my goal is to be
about NW17ish, In MAC shading.
2. Get even more "fit". By that I mean really tone up my body. I have a pretty toned
stomach, but I want it even more toned. I want to be "fit" for those European boys ;)
3. Develop a better sense of fashion, and become comfortable with myself.
Those are my big goals that I want to accomplish before the fact. During our trip.. I want to accomplish these things ( From my bucket list!):
- Dance Under the Eiffel Tower.
- Eat macaroons at a French Café.
- Kiss a French boy.
- Go visit Versailles.
- Visit the Louvre.
- Hold a conversation with someone fluent in French.
- Visit a German castle.
- Go on a date with a German ;)
- Go to the Black Forest.
- Have a summer "thing" with some European guy.
- Shop in France/ Germany/ England.
- Go to Buckingham Palace.
- Ride on a double Decker bus.
- Make British friends.
- Vlog everyday.
That is my very long list of things that I want to do in these countries! I'm so excited. I want to have fun, I want to be spontaneous, and do something unexpected. I want to remember this trip for the rest of my life.
If anyone ( Because I know at least one person is from Germany, and one is from France that follow my blog.. and I have a few English followers as well.) has any recommendations as to what I should do in your country? I would love to know!! I'm so excited. If you have any restaurant suggestions, I would love to hear them too!! If you have any places I should check out as far as shopping goes, that would also be greatly appreciated!
Thank you guys!
And when I do go... look out for a HUGE giveaway!
I will probably post a Christmas day look today or tomorrow!
And Merry Eve of Christmas Eve!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Naughty Child
First Part of the Christmas series!! I will do a Nice Child tomorrow. Anyway I am in a rush to go somewhere so I have to go! Though I will list the products below, That I used to do this whole look! Have a lovely day!
Product List:
Buxom Cream E/s in Black Lab
Fyrinnae Hyper cool
Wet n' Wild You had me at blue palette
MAC Reflects Transparent Teal Pigment
MAC Feline E/l
Urban Decay Super Curl Mascara
Hard Candy Mermaid Mascara
Stila Chinois E/s
Monday, December 12, 2011
IM NOT DEAD!! I Promise!!
Hey Guys!!
Long time no see, eh? Well Im so sorry! Around the end of October stuff started happening with my family, and school starting flaring up as well as my health started to take a toll. I was in and out of the doctors office all October and then before I knew it Halloween was here and gone. I couldn't put any of my pictures up or anything. Weeks following I took a trip up to Savannah, GA. I made an executive decision that I am going to go to SCAD for college. It was such as cool experience, I can't even explain how much I love that place. I love it. And now for Christmas... midterms are coming up.. so I won't be able to do any christmas themed makeup.... this week!! I will most definitely do some next week though because I am off ALL WEEK!! So give me some suggestions as to what you want to see.
I plan on also doing a Hunger Games series makeup where I do all of the Districts!! Im so excited for the movie, i can't contain myself.
I am once again sorry for any "withdraws" that you have had from my absence.. ( Like you have withdraws from me... pshhhh.)
Anyways I love you guys and I will see you soon, I promise!
Also I have a fashion blog, if you want to check it out... Its called "MegansMovingCastle.blogspot.com"
Au Revior!

I plan on also doing a Hunger Games series makeup where I do all of the Districts!! Im so excited for the movie, i can't contain myself.
I am once again sorry for any "withdraws" that you have had from my absence.. ( Like you have withdraws from me... pshhhh.)
Anyways I love you guys and I will see you soon, I promise!
Also I have a fashion blog, if you want to check it out... Its called "MegansMovingCastle.blogspot.com"
Au Revior!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Im a Happy Camper Day :D
Today for me was genuinely a good day for me. Here in Florida the weather is finally starting to cool down a bit and be more tolerable. My morning started off very well, as I got a visit from my neighbors cat which I came to finds name is "Jello". How precious is that? Moving on, it was all up in the driveway loving on me. Despite me being semi-allergic to cats, it was greatly appreciated on "Jello's" part.
My skin was also behaving, instantly making today a good day!
I rediscovered one of my all time favorite blushes yesterday, MAC'S Dainty, so I decided to wear it again today. It works wonders on fair skinned lovelies. I also rediscovered one of my favorite foundations, MUFE Face & Body in 38. May I add that this is the ONLY foundation that matches me perfectly, the only one!
In this picture I am wearing an orange shirt but, thats my comfy "I just got home" shirt, I was wearing this really amazing purple velvet blazer and the eyeliner I have on is from MAC's newest collection. Its called Dark Diversion. I got it one because I swear to God I read somewhere that Anna Paquinn wore this on the first season of True Blood.
Major Derppp Face :3
I also want some thoughts on something un makeup related. I really like this coat from ModCloth.. But I am afraid that I am too cool toned for it, or since that it is warm toned it would appear unflattering on me... Thoughts? Or shall I just stick with the grey one? AKA this one?
I promise I will have the Halloween look up by tomorrow!
Au Revior!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Long time no see, eh? I am so sorry about that but school has been taking over my life and filled out my schedule from when I wake to when I slumber. And then on the weekends all I want to do is relax for one day! ( Usually because for me Sunday is homework day...) Anyways.. tomorrow or Monday I will be posting a HALLOWEEN look!! I am not sure what I shall do, or put up rather. I did two looks so you guys will have to help me decide which to chose!
Since tonight was homecoming at my school and I didn't go.. I did some intensive halloween face art, i guess you could say. I did the "Vampire's Girlfriend" look and I also did the "Bat Mask" look. So you guys tell me what I should post for the next couple days! On the final weekend before Halloween I shall do my favorite look of them all "Pumpkin Spice". So yeah!
Once again sorry for the absence! I shall be better about updating you all! And I know I should be Johnny on the spot since I got new followers... but school is school, and when you are naturally bad at Chemistry.. studying takes up the better half of your days. I wanted to thank hebrideanspritebeauty for that!!
When I reach 100 followers.. which I think will be around Christmas.. I'm going to do the best giveaway for you all! I will probably start gathering prizes now because I know I love Halloween (Or holiday themed make up in general..) make up! So that will be oodles of fun!
For now I have to go finish some AP Govt. notes and graphic organizers.. so yeah. Forgive me?
Love you guys!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Cosmic Love
Products used:
Urban Decay Shadow pencil in Morphine
Urban Decay Eye Shadow in Asphyxia
Sleek Storm palette Blurple
Meow Cosmetics Eye shadow in Nutcracker
MAC Feline Eye Khol
Urban Decay Super Curl Curling Mascara
And for the Halloween tutorials I will most likely start doing them next weekend! I am so excited to because for the first time in a long time here in Florida, in the beginning of September it is actually starting to feel like fall! It started to get cool, not even cold, COOL, here by the end of November last year! Its very nice that it is starting early this year. Today is also Labor Day here in the states, so happy Labor Day! Today is also my half birthday, in exactly six months my birthday will be here! So have a great day lovelies!
Meow Cosmetics,
Urban Decay
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Did Someone Say 64 Days Till Halloween?
Changing leaves, Oh yes. That Autumn smell, bring it on. Halloween, Hell to the yes. I am so hyped up for Halloween this year, so excited that I am going to be a Halloween series! I don't think anyone understands how unnatural my obsession with Halloween is. Its pretty major too. All of the Halloween shows ever aired, I have watched them. The nightmare before Christmas, my favorite movie ever. All of the goofy songs like "This is Halloween", "The oogie boogie song" I listen to them all year round, I know every single line. And to make matters worse, at my local mall they are prepping a Halloween store.. conveniently placed next to Banana Republic ( must be a sales thing). You would think placing a horror store next to a Banana Republic would a rather laughable thing to do, but I am the psycho person that would actually go into both of those stores and actually buy things.
And then with all of the indie makeup companies launching Halloween inspired makeup, the names are what sell me. Basically I don't know why I wasn't born on Halloween. #WhitePeopleProblems.
Any way on to the pre selected Halloween makeup!

Pumpkin Spice:
I have never seen this face chart before, although I'm sure it is older. But how cool is it? This should be really fun to do. I am thinking about doing a step by step tutorial for this one, thoughts? I am going to try to follow this exactly minus the scary contacts because I have really sensitive eyes. This should be especially fun considering how pale I am and how it says that for the face you should use a MAC NC45 foundation. I'm NW15!
Vampire Kisses:

Bat Mask:
So I thought this one would be fun. I Idon't 100% understand why
there are fire based colors on the lids, I might keep that in my
version but I might spice it up, or down rather, and go with the cool color scheme, and go with bright blurple, yes blurple, lips.
I think this mask is really cool looking, and how it looks like you can or have the option of creating so much depth, which I love!I have no idea what your costume could be to wear this, but I would wear this wearing all black resembling a burglar. How cool would it be if this mask was glow in the dark.... Idea maybe? I think so.
I usually wear all black on Halloween, black skinny jeans, turtleneck (depending on how Florida feels because it is so bipolar.) so this makeup would look amazing on me passing out candies to the little kids! I don't think its to frightening, that's my opinion at least. I think its cool how the face is a pale mint color, sorta like Lily Munster. I like the glossy black eyes, and the whole sunken cheek bones look paired with the blood red lips. The "person" in the face chart looks kinda like a zombie flapper, don't you think? I like it, but I think I will keep my hair natural, which is wavy. I might add a little blush to make it look less scary for the kids, but you never know.
Little Red Riding Hood/ Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf:
I think this could be tweaked depending on how you wish to portray little red riding hood, but I am going to try to experiment with some scar wax, and do the whole innocent face makeup, and then add some scratches, like she got scratched by the wolf. I'm going to make it look really deep and nasty.. but they will be small so they don't take away from the innocent factor of red riding hood.
Well I hope you are getting as excited as I am about Halloween! And hopefully when I do these all, you will get inspired to do this for your Halloween costume/ makeup!
I hope that everyone up north that got hit by the hurricane/ tropical storm is okay, and your property and area is not to terribly damaged or even damaged at all! Have a great week, if I don't come back till next weekend!
-Megan xx
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